Friday, July 11, 2008

Still No Word

There is still no word on our container & ship. We will just have to trust that the Lord is once again working in His perfect time, and that everything will come together in just the right way.

We had a great day on Wednesday, July 9, with several people helping to pack trunks with more medical supplies & equipment, layettes, tools and a few personal items for the folks preparing to travel to Burundi to prepare for the arrival of the container. Those who worked were David & Mae Kellum, Gary & Connie Young, Fran Sigley, Owen Sigley, Twila Flowers, Dick & Lorna Long, and Debby McElroy. We packed 10 trunks Wednesday, and there will be an additional 6 that team members are packing separately, for a total of 16 trunks going in the next month.

Please remember to pray for David & Mae Kellum, Dick Long, and Willard & Doris Ferguson, who will depart from Wichita next Thursday, July 17 to travel to Kibimba. They will be making preparations for the container's arrival at the hospital, including some type of concrete pad for it to sit on to serve as storage space. Willard will also be teaching a course on chaplaincy while he is there, in order to fulfill that crucial aspect of the ministry of the hospital.

Fran Sigley, Owen Sigley, and Twila Flowers will be leaving Wichita the following week. They will be helping with unpacking, sorting, setting-up equipment, and storing supplies.

Please pray that God will keep His hand of protection over the container, that the container will arrive at the hospital in a timely fashion, and for traveling safety for our team members. Pray for Dr. Elisee and the hospital staff - that they will be able to quickly learn the most efficient and effective use of the equipment, and that many lives will be touched both physically and spiritually. Pray for Willard as he prepares for and teaches the chaplaincy course.

Thank you for your prayers & financial support. Keep watching for updates!

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