Thursday, July 17, 2008

God Is In Control

Seems that all of our planning has again been overrided by the Master Planner. After several days of wondering, E-mailing across the world, and deciphering messages from New York City, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania and Salalah, Oman, we have determined that our container is still in Salalah. Furthermore, it is scheduled to be loaded on a different ship than we thought -- the MSC Federica -- which is scheduled to depart now on July 26. The ETA in Dar is now August 2. If it takes a week to get it off the ship and onto a truck, then another week to travel overland to Burundi, it will be at least August 15-16 before it gets to Kibimba. Realistically, we're probably looking at the 3rd week of August. We will just trust that God has a perfect plan for all of this, even though we don't see or understand it now.

The first group (David & Mae, Willard & Doris, Dick) from our team is still traveling to Burundi on schedule. They are leaving from Wichita today and will be working on preparing a site for the container to be placed. They will also be working to devise a method to get the crates out of the container. We don't think the Burundians have any idea what unpacking this container is going to involve!

Willard will also be teaching the training course for chaplains at the hospital. Please remember to pray for him and those who will be in the class. This is one of the most important aspects of our Board's mission & purpose, and one that can easily be overlooked in the excitement of sending equipment & supplies. We must remind ourselves that the ultimate purpose of all of this is to show the Burundian people who come to the hospital the love of Christ. The chaplains will play a crucial role in this.

We will keep you posted on their progress with the preparations. Also, will let you know what Fran, Owen & Twila will be doing about their planned trip. Thanks for your support & prayers!

God is in control!

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