Friday, July 25, 2008

Burundi Bound

Fran Sigley & her son Owen Sigley will be departing today for Burundi. They have decided that because their schedules would not permit them to go at a later date, they would go ahead and make the trip as planned. The container will not arrive until after they have been there, but they will work at the hospital with preparation for its arrival and doing anything else that Dr. Elisee and the staff there asks of them.

Twila Flowers has postponed her trip to the hospital until after the container's arrival, whenever that may be. We do not have any new information about it, so we are assuming that it is still sitting in Salalah waiting for the congestion at the Dar Es Salaam port to clear.

Several members of the FKH board made a presentation at the Friends Ministry Conference at Friends University on Thursday evening. They showed the DVD that has been used and added information about the contents of the container (including over 500 layettes from Mid-America Friends Women's groups). The report was well-received, and the work of FKH has been recognized in several of the printed reports of various boards of EFC-MAYM. We are so grateful for the support of our Friends churches throughout the region.

Keep watching for updates from the team already in Burundi, the container's whereabouts, and the Sigley's trip. As always, we covet your prayers.

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