Thursday, August 14, 2008

Finally! Some Good News

David & Mae Kellum have sent us this good news! They also want us to keep praying that the final pieces will fall into place so that the container gets to Kibimba, is approved by customs, and the equipment & supplies can be unloaded. Here is the report written by David:

August 14.

Hi to everyone,
We have some good news. David and Willard went to Bujumbura with the doctor and when they went to SODETRA they found that the container is on the ground and should be loaded on the truck in two or three days. Then they said 6 days to Burundi. We are thinking maybe the container should be here around the 26th, but we hope we are surprised. I think the doctor has permission to bring the container to Kibimba. One problem is that the customs office has to be there when the door of the container is opened. Because this is hospital stuff the medical department may want to be here. Dr. Elisee is working on trying to get all of this together. But nothing can really be done until the truck gets into Burundi. Then he will present the packing list to customs. But yesterday in town, both the customs and medical requested a list of the content so they told them they would have to photo copy it and they did. Dr. Elisee says he is not worried he knows a lot of people.
We ask you to pray for a safe trip for the container, and that the customs and medical inspection will not take a long time.
Yesterday was an interesting day here at Kibimba. The Ambassador from Belgium stayed here last night. He has finished his assignment in Burundi and wanted to walk across part of the country. Yesterday he walked from Mwaro to Kibimba, a distance of 30 kilometers but not very hilly, today he walked on to Mutoya, a Catholic mission about 40 kilometer and he had some big hills to climb. He had 3 security guards with him and they stayed here in this house. David and I moved over to Marc’s house for the night. The doctor took him to see the hospital last night and he was impressed with the work they were doing there. We had dinner with them after the hospital visit.
I heard Doris turn the email on and I want to send this before it goes off.
God Bless you all,
David Kellum

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